Times change. People change. Your financial plans need to also.
If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, you need to make sure your financial program still lines up with your needs.
Have you moved?
Have you changed jobs or occupation?
Has your spouse changed jobs?
Have you changed your bank since we last met?
Have you taken “Early Retirement” or expect to?
Have you married, separated or divorced?
Do you have any pressing financial questions you need answering?
Have any of these significant changes happened to you or your immediate family in the past year? (Births, Adoptions, Deaths, University Attendance, Graduations, New Job, Inheritance, Lottery Winning, Retirements, Divorce or Separation, Name Change, Illness or Injury, Health Challenges, Child Returned Home to Live, Major Unforeseen Expenses, New Home, New Cottage, Vacation Home or Recreational Vehicle…)
Do you expect any of these changes in the year ahead?
Was your last Will update more than five years ago?
Do you want to change the beneficiaries on any of your insurance policies?
Have you purchased any additional financial products since we last spoke?
Have you changed your thinking about the importance of your Financial Program?
Has our service been unsatisfactory?
Set up your confidential appointment immediately at 905.787.9924
or by email at norm@normlang.com.